Mariaka Frossard –

J’aime lire


24 pages
21x30cm (8,3×11,8″)
glossy waterproof lamination on each and every page ❗ can also be used as a placemat 🔷

This book may be read in the manner of an investigation:
each drawing, most of the time abstract, garnished and illegible,
turns out, for the cautious reader, to be a close-up view of specific details of a comfortable armchair –
which we come to understand is the silhouette depicted on the cover, and not a portrait of the author who’s just been released from prison after eating little cute sandwiches she ”found” on the floor outside.
Of course if you are a Marilyn Manson person you think that this investigation ends with the discovery of a vicious murder! With blood! And tampons! But in reality, the final discovery is that there are rabbits who are sleeping 🦳